Saturday, June 21, 2008

Big Night Out on the Town

Last night we went to Lapa. My first Friday night in Lapa since I've been to Brazil (2 weeks). I have no idea why I waited for such a long time and why I only went on the 3rd Friday, but it was totally worth it. Or maybe the 3rd time was the charm. Who knows? Starting with the roller coaster bus ride and ending with the cab ride back as Neesha was taking photos and repeating that the sun is up. Yap, we went the whole nine yards, we stayed in Lapa until sunrise (actually after sunrise). It was the most amazing time I've had in a long time. Street partying, gazing, laughing, everything was there exactly in the right amount, exactly as we wanted it and even better. Yesterday I was wondering if Rio is my second love, well today I'm sure. Just as I'm sure that Rio loves me back and welcomes me in every second and in every corner of it.

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