A mix of colors floating on the river, terraces, music, people, but nothing as beautiful as the dusk light. It was as if I was gazing at a painting, but at the same time I was part of the painting. The light was decomposing in all the shades of red and orange that could ever exist. I even tried to imagine how my camera would try to reduce all these shades to the common RGB and then try to reproduce everything exactly as I saw it. It's strange that when I close my eyes I can go back to that place, at that certain hour, hear the people passing by, feel the smell of the water. The way we remember is so different from how the machines store information. We don't have (yet) photographs that can bring back the smell or the whole atmosphere of the place. You can tell the time of day, by the lights, but the rest is only in my head and no matter how hard I try the photo is just not enough to express it.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Have you ever seen Zurich in the summer?
A mix of colors floating on the river, terraces, music, people, but nothing as beautiful as the dusk light. It was as if I was gazing at a painting, but at the same time I was part of the painting. The light was decomposing in all the shades of red and orange that could ever exist. I even tried to imagine how my camera would try to reduce all these shades to the common RGB and then try to reproduce everything exactly as I saw it. It's strange that when I close my eyes I can go back to that place, at that certain hour, hear the people passing by, feel the smell of the water. The way we remember is so different from how the machines store information. We don't have (yet) photographs that can bring back the smell or the whole atmosphere of the place. You can tell the time of day, by the lights, but the rest is only in my head and no matter how hard I try the photo is just not enough to express it.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
American History X
I've seen the movie before, I even remembered most of the action, I even remembered it when we were discussing the "white supremacy" in the Media Theory class, but what I did not remember is the way images work together in creating a story. The extreme close-ups in slow motion seem to express more that any lines could. Although the story is very powerful, this time, I tried to focus more on the details, the camera angles, the point of view and all the things that really made this movie powerful. The extreme close-ups on the eyes let you see inside the soul of the character, let you decipher if he is "good" or "bad" deep down. It doesn't matter that his head is shaved or that he has a swastika tattooed on his chest, because when you see his eyes you realize that his not a villain.
Since the movie goes back and forth in time, it's very easy for the viewer to distinguish between those two realms: the past (the memory) is always in black and white, while the present is always in color.
You don't sense the music throughout the story, sometimes you don't even realize it's there. That is until you know what's going to happen next, just because of the music. It's this imperceptible presence - like the warmth of a summer wind that bring about salty air from the ocean. Most of the times, you don't even feel it, you don't know that the air you're breathing is salty, until it changes, until it disappears.
There are very few wide shots. It's like it doesn't even matter what's around the characters. Even when you have wide shots, the character stands out, like a pillar, dragging your attention towards him, not letting you focus on anything else, not even for a minute. The camera always tells you where to look and most importantly what to see. Nothing is left to chance.
In the end, when Danny died, I almost started crying. I had seen the movie before, I knew he died in the end, so why did I feel this way? Then I remembered the difference between E.T. and Citizen Kane. We did talk about it a lot and I even started analyzing all the movies I see according to the shots that are used. I guess the close shots that gave me the chance of a glimpse behind the cold shell of the character, broke me down.
Even more, just towards the end, Danny becomes the narrator. And he continues narrating while lying dead on the bathroom floor, as if he were still alive. It's strange, how the camera and the storytelling can make you believe what your heart wants you to believe. I found myself wishing that he was not dead (therefore he is still the storyteller) and that the next scene would be with him lying on a hospital bed...badly injured, but still alive. I knew that was not the case, I knew the movie did not end like that, but I still hoped...as if somebody could feel my prayers and change the ending. I had become so close to the character, because of the closeness between him and the camera. I was never part of that story, but being so close, made me feel like there was no distance between my world and that world. I was no longer the outsider, I was there in the midst of things, seeing, living, feeling everything they felt, I was in each one of the characters, finding myself there and living the story along with them, every step of the way.
Since the movie goes back and forth in time, it's very easy for the viewer to distinguish between those two realms: the past (the memory) is always in black and white, while the present is always in color.
You don't sense the music throughout the story, sometimes you don't even realize it's there. That is until you know what's going to happen next, just because of the music. It's this imperceptible presence - like the warmth of a summer wind that bring about salty air from the ocean. Most of the times, you don't even feel it, you don't know that the air you're breathing is salty, until it changes, until it disappears.
There are very few wide shots. It's like it doesn't even matter what's around the characters. Even when you have wide shots, the character stands out, like a pillar, dragging your attention towards him, not letting you focus on anything else, not even for a minute. The camera always tells you where to look and most importantly what to see. Nothing is left to chance.
In the end, when Danny died, I almost started crying. I had seen the movie before, I knew he died in the end, so why did I feel this way? Then I remembered the difference between E.T. and Citizen Kane. We did talk about it a lot and I even started analyzing all the movies I see according to the shots that are used. I guess the close shots that gave me the chance of a glimpse behind the cold shell of the character, broke me down.
Even more, just towards the end, Danny becomes the narrator. And he continues narrating while lying dead on the bathroom floor, as if he were still alive. It's strange, how the camera and the storytelling can make you believe what your heart wants you to believe. I found myself wishing that he was not dead (therefore he is still the storyteller) and that the next scene would be with him lying on a hospital bed...badly injured, but still alive. I knew that was not the case, I knew the movie did not end like that, but I still hoped...as if somebody could feel my prayers and change the ending. I had become so close to the character, because of the closeness between him and the camera. I was never part of that story, but being so close, made me feel like there was no distance between my world and that world. I was no longer the outsider, I was there in the midst of things, seeing, living, feeling everything they felt, I was in each one of the characters, finding myself there and living the story along with them, every step of the way.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
ce-i asa special la scoala americana?
Cei care nu stiu, ar putea spune nimic, scoala e la fel peste tot; nu conteaza profesorul, conteaza sa vrei sa inveti. Eu vin sa contrazic asta. Menirea profesorului nu e sa-ti bage pe gat informatie pe care tu sa o inveti avid pentru examen si apoi sa o uiti la fel de repede cum ai invatat-o (adica intr-o noapte). In plus, proful trebuie sa te ajute sa inveti, nu doar sa-ti serveasca pe tava niste cursuri copiate din carti, pe care sa ti le dicteze la curs, iar tu sa le scrii la examen. In sistemul american trebuie sa intelegi ce ti-a explicat (nu dictat) proful si apoi sa fii capabil sa reproduci ideea, nu exact cuvintele pe care le-a folosit proful. La cursuri proful nu citeste din nimic. Are doar niste notite cu punctele pe care trebuie sa le atinga la curs. Nu are carti sau foi de pe care citeste, iar studentul asculta tamp. Chiar si orele de teorie sunte interactive si dupa ce este expusa o teorie este explicata si discutata. Iar tu, ca student, stii dinainte ce teorii se vor discuta la curs, astfel incat daca e ceva ce n-ai inteles din ce ai avut de citit pentru cursul respectiv, sa poti intreba in clasa.
Aici ai practic un examen in fiecare saptamana si tot in fiecare saptamana ai de citit cateva zeci, uneori chiar sute de pagini. Ok, examenul nu e literalmente examen, dar in fiecare saptamana ai de predat o lucrare sau un proiect care valoreaza x % din nota finala. Nu l-ai predat, primesti 0 (zero). Daca nu reusesti sa-l faci la timp, e ok, vorbesti cu proful si iti mai acorda cateva zile perioada de gratie, dar chestia asta nu poti s-o faci mereu din 2 motive:
1. profu te intelege cand chiar ai o problema, nu cand se repeta chestia asta in fiecare saptamana
2. se aduna prea multe lucrari si apoi chiar nu mai ai timp sa le faci.
Ce se intampla daca iei o nota proasta la unul dintre aceste proiecte? Pai, in nici un caz nu cade cerul pe tine si cu siguranta asta nu va conta vizavi de proiectele viitoare. Pe ei nu-i intereseaza ca tu in mod normal iei A, daca acum ai o lucrare proasta, vei lua nota pe care o meriti. Lucrarile au mereu adnotari pe ele, astfel incat stii foarte clar de ce ai luat nota pe care ai luat-o si mai ales ce poti sa faci ca sa-ti imbunatatesti urmatoarele lucrari. De asemenea, daca ai luat o nota care nu iti convine sau care ti se pare ca nu te reprezinta, ai sansa de a reface lucrarea. Daca refaci lucrarea foarte bine, luand in considerare toate adnotarile date de prof, atunci ai sanse sa ti se schimbe nota.
Notiunea de plagiat e sfanta aici. In Romania, era ceva normal sa iei paragrafe intregi dintr-o carte, fara sa spui de unde sunt sau fara macar sa mentionezi ca nu e ideea ta. Ca sa nu mai vorbim de lucrarile de licenta cu care se face trafic deja. Profii se prind si in Romania cand copiezi, dar ori nu le pasa atat de mult, ori li se pare un efort prea mare sa te reclame sau sa te traga la raspundere in vreun fel. Aici daca ai copiat si cea mai mica idee si n-ai creditat sursa de unde ai acea idee, situatia devine trista. Evident, in eventualitatea in care esti prins. Nu stiu exact cat de usor te prind daca ai copiat, dar avand in vedere ca majoritatea profilor au ceva experienta in spate, cred ca nu-i atat de greu sa te prinda. Daca esti prins ca ai plagiat pe cineva, atunci nu numai ca pici acel curs, dar ti se face raport si esti dat afara din universitate. De principiu, chiar daca o iei de la capat si dai examen din nou, nu prea mai ai sanse sa intri in aceeasi universitate.
Esti invatat pas cu pas cum sa abordezi o anumita tema sau un anumit tip de lucrare. Cred ca daca as fi stiut tot ce stiu aici dupa numai jumatate de semestru, atunci cand mi-am facut lucrarea de licenta sau lucrarea de disertatie pentru masterul din Romania, i-as fi blocat pe cei din comisie cu acuratetea lucrarii si cu felul in care imi expuneam tema.
Aici e ok ca la inceput sa nu stii. Nimeni nu se asteapta de la tine sa stii totul si nimeni nu pretinde ca stie totul. E ok ca la inceput de semestru sa nu stii exact cu ce se mananca materia respectiva, mai trist e daca nici la sfarsit nu stii - asta de obicei inseamna ca abia ai trecut cursul sau chiar l-ai picat. Din nou, nu exista notiunea de a termina facultatea cu 5 sau 6 (adica E sau D). Daca ai la 3 cursuri notele astea atunci intri in Academic Probation, adica o perioada in care ti se da sansa sa iti revii. Daca nu iti revii, atunci pleci din facultate. Nu exista negocieri de genul: dar, va rog frumos, dar poate totusi se poate...sau alte chestii de genul asta.
Nu inveti toate aberatiile posibile care nu au nici o legatura cu tema ta. Ai mai putine cursuri si de principiu iti alegi singur directia pe care vrei sa o urmezi. De exemplu, eu pot sa-mi aleg sa fac masterul in principal pe productie video sau productie audio sau pot sa aleg partea de sociologie si teorie media. Evident exista si niste cursuri obligatorii pe care trebuie sa le ia toata lumea, dar de obicei sunt cursuri pe care e bine sa le faci indiferent ce directie urmezi.
Poate si pentru ca e scoala de arte, ai voie sa fii cat de creativ vrei tu. De exemplu la cursul de Research Methods in Media Studies pe langa lucrarile pe care le predai in fiecare saptamana trebuie sa faci si o lucrare mare de research care reprezinta examenul tau final. Tema poate sa fie orice, atata timp cat are legatura cu media. Temele alese de colegii mei sunt care mai de care mai variate. De exemplu: Cum a influentat media perceptia pe care o avem despre serpii cu clopotei? (se pare ca acesti serpi de fel nu sunt foarte periculosi, dar media a creat ideea cum ca ar fi); distributia barbatilor negri in roluri de femei in filmele de la inceputul secolului trecut; cum a influentat media trasformarea hip-hop-ului dintr-o muzica de strada in muzica comerciala. Practic atata timp cat are legatura cu media si cu teoriile legate de media, atunci ai voie sa faci orice.
Sunt convinsa ca raspunsul multora la acest post va fi: "bine ca esti tu desteapta!", insa mi-ar placea sa cred ca unii dintre cei care il citesc ii vor intelege validitatea si se vor gandi de 2 ori inainte sa spuna ca scoala e la fel peste tot.
Aici ai practic un examen in fiecare saptamana si tot in fiecare saptamana ai de citit cateva zeci, uneori chiar sute de pagini. Ok, examenul nu e literalmente examen, dar in fiecare saptamana ai de predat o lucrare sau un proiect care valoreaza x % din nota finala. Nu l-ai predat, primesti 0 (zero). Daca nu reusesti sa-l faci la timp, e ok, vorbesti cu proful si iti mai acorda cateva zile perioada de gratie, dar chestia asta nu poti s-o faci mereu din 2 motive:
1. profu te intelege cand chiar ai o problema, nu cand se repeta chestia asta in fiecare saptamana
2. se aduna prea multe lucrari si apoi chiar nu mai ai timp sa le faci.
Ce se intampla daca iei o nota proasta la unul dintre aceste proiecte? Pai, in nici un caz nu cade cerul pe tine si cu siguranta asta nu va conta vizavi de proiectele viitoare. Pe ei nu-i intereseaza ca tu in mod normal iei A, daca acum ai o lucrare proasta, vei lua nota pe care o meriti. Lucrarile au mereu adnotari pe ele, astfel incat stii foarte clar de ce ai luat nota pe care ai luat-o si mai ales ce poti sa faci ca sa-ti imbunatatesti urmatoarele lucrari. De asemenea, daca ai luat o nota care nu iti convine sau care ti se pare ca nu te reprezinta, ai sansa de a reface lucrarea. Daca refaci lucrarea foarte bine, luand in considerare toate adnotarile date de prof, atunci ai sanse sa ti se schimbe nota.
Notiunea de plagiat e sfanta aici. In Romania, era ceva normal sa iei paragrafe intregi dintr-o carte, fara sa spui de unde sunt sau fara macar sa mentionezi ca nu e ideea ta. Ca sa nu mai vorbim de lucrarile de licenta cu care se face trafic deja. Profii se prind si in Romania cand copiezi, dar ori nu le pasa atat de mult, ori li se pare un efort prea mare sa te reclame sau sa te traga la raspundere in vreun fel. Aici daca ai copiat si cea mai mica idee si n-ai creditat sursa de unde ai acea idee, situatia devine trista. Evident, in eventualitatea in care esti prins. Nu stiu exact cat de usor te prind daca ai copiat, dar avand in vedere ca majoritatea profilor au ceva experienta in spate, cred ca nu-i atat de greu sa te prinda. Daca esti prins ca ai plagiat pe cineva, atunci nu numai ca pici acel curs, dar ti se face raport si esti dat afara din universitate. De principiu, chiar daca o iei de la capat si dai examen din nou, nu prea mai ai sanse sa intri in aceeasi universitate.
Esti invatat pas cu pas cum sa abordezi o anumita tema sau un anumit tip de lucrare. Cred ca daca as fi stiut tot ce stiu aici dupa numai jumatate de semestru, atunci cand mi-am facut lucrarea de licenta sau lucrarea de disertatie pentru masterul din Romania, i-as fi blocat pe cei din comisie cu acuratetea lucrarii si cu felul in care imi expuneam tema.
Aici e ok ca la inceput sa nu stii. Nimeni nu se asteapta de la tine sa stii totul si nimeni nu pretinde ca stie totul. E ok ca la inceput de semestru sa nu stii exact cu ce se mananca materia respectiva, mai trist e daca nici la sfarsit nu stii - asta de obicei inseamna ca abia ai trecut cursul sau chiar l-ai picat. Din nou, nu exista notiunea de a termina facultatea cu 5 sau 6 (adica E sau D). Daca ai la 3 cursuri notele astea atunci intri in Academic Probation, adica o perioada in care ti se da sansa sa iti revii. Daca nu iti revii, atunci pleci din facultate. Nu exista negocieri de genul: dar, va rog frumos, dar poate totusi se poate...sau alte chestii de genul asta.
Nu inveti toate aberatiile posibile care nu au nici o legatura cu tema ta. Ai mai putine cursuri si de principiu iti alegi singur directia pe care vrei sa o urmezi. De exemplu, eu pot sa-mi aleg sa fac masterul in principal pe productie video sau productie audio sau pot sa aleg partea de sociologie si teorie media. Evident exista si niste cursuri obligatorii pe care trebuie sa le ia toata lumea, dar de obicei sunt cursuri pe care e bine sa le faci indiferent ce directie urmezi.
Poate si pentru ca e scoala de arte, ai voie sa fii cat de creativ vrei tu. De exemplu la cursul de Research Methods in Media Studies pe langa lucrarile pe care le predai in fiecare saptamana trebuie sa faci si o lucrare mare de research care reprezinta examenul tau final. Tema poate sa fie orice, atata timp cat are legatura cu media. Temele alese de colegii mei sunt care mai de care mai variate. De exemplu: Cum a influentat media perceptia pe care o avem despre serpii cu clopotei? (se pare ca acesti serpi de fel nu sunt foarte periculosi, dar media a creat ideea cum ca ar fi); distributia barbatilor negri in roluri de femei in filmele de la inceputul secolului trecut; cum a influentat media trasformarea hip-hop-ului dintr-o muzica de strada in muzica comerciala. Practic atata timp cat are legatura cu media si cu teoriile legate de media, atunci ai voie sa faci orice.
Sunt convinsa ca raspunsul multora la acest post va fi: "bine ca esti tu desteapta!", insa mi-ar placea sa cred ca unii dintre cei care il citesc ii vor intelege validitatea si se vor gandi de 2 ori inainte sa spuna ca scoala e la fel peste tot.
The judge that tried Saddam
Indeed I had the rare opportunity to meet one of the judges that tried Saddam - Saeed al Hammash held a conference at my school. I was expecting a very tough and harsh man, because I was thinking that you would have to be like that in order to sentence a man to death. I'm not saying that Saddam did not deserve the capital punishment, I'm just saying that if it were up to me to make that decision I don't know if I could have made it. Last year when they decided that Saddam would be executed, there was a question that kept crawling in my mind: how do you put your human side apart and just make the decision based only on the facts? and afterwards how do you live with the thought that you put a man to death? So I finally got a chance to ask that. I hoped I wouldn't get an answer like: "we had to do what was right for the people of Iraq" and I didn't. He sighed and he told me that it was a very hard decision. Both because as he said "nobody has the right to take the life of another person, only God has that right", but also because they knew the humane side of Saddam. They knew him both as a great leader that made Iraq one of the richest countries in Middle East and they knew him as a vicious murderer that was now on trial for genocide. What they did though, was put aside their feelings and made the decision based on the evidence. Although it was incredibly hard, they tried to make an objective decision. He made a very clear distinction between what he would have made as a human being and what he did as a judge, stressing on the fact that judges are not superior to the rest of the humans, but they have a bigger responsibility for the people.
The second thing I could not understand was why they released the execution to the media. Well they didn't! (or at least that is what he says). It seems that the footage with Saddam's execution was released because of some mistake that the authorities made. Now I'm not sure if that is true, but he pointed out that it was something that should have never been done and with that I agree.
He also explained in detail that he was forced to resign from his position and was accused of having been part of Saddam's political party, all of which proved not to be true and he was acquitted by the authorities. He believes that this was only a strategic political move because he insisted that Saddam would receive a fair trial according to the international laws.
It seems to me that the political pressure was immense, not only from the Iraqi, but also from the US and, more than that, there was also a matter of security as he feared for his life and for his family.
All in all, it was a chance in a lifetime to see, meet and talk to a man that helped write history.
The second thing I could not understand was why they released the execution to the media. Well they didn't! (or at least that is what he says). It seems that the footage with Saddam's execution was released because of some mistake that the authorities made. Now I'm not sure if that is true, but he pointed out that it was something that should have never been done and with that I agree.
He also explained in detail that he was forced to resign from his position and was accused of having been part of Saddam's political party, all of which proved not to be true and he was acquitted by the authorities. He believes that this was only a strategic political move because he insisted that Saddam would receive a fair trial according to the international laws.
It seems to me that the political pressure was immense, not only from the Iraqi, but also from the US and, more than that, there was also a matter of security as he feared for his life and for his family.
All in all, it was a chance in a lifetime to see, meet and talk to a man that helped write history.
Monday, November 5, 2007
A Day at the MET
You'd think it's just a museum...Ok, so it's called The Metropolitan Museum of Art, so the building looks really big and impressive, but when you go inside, you feel as if you've entered a labyrinth of history where you can just cruise through time. I didn't get a change to see all the collections as the museum is not open 24 hours, but I got to see the Egyptian Art & Medieval History, the Arms and Armors collection and The Age of Rembrandt.
I saw a mummy for the first time and what I found amazing was that it was so easy to not think about the person that was in there when you had no representation of that person. But some o them had their face painted over the wrappings and suddenly it was not so easy to view the mummy as a piece of history; I realized that somehow I was in a graveyard where the bodies were not buried, but displayed for everybody to see.
The arms and armors seemed huge, especially the ones that were used in the 15th or 16th century. Horses and men dresses in steel with huge guns or swords. It seemed that they were able to carry more than their bodyweight and still fight. And the armor seemed so stiff and tight - I guess they didn't suffer from claustrophobia :).
The Age of Rembrandt was the part I liked most. Maybe because I love Rembrandt or maybe because it was so incredible. There were paintings by Rembrandt, but also by his apprentices and by other painters that were inspired by him. It's impossible not to love his portraits and self portraits. I had the feeling that some of them were not even painted, but that he somehow photographed the persons and than he painted over the photographs. Details, that you could barely acknowledge were spread across huge canvas, were drawing you closer to the subject as you could ever be. I remembered something I read for the Media Theory class about the "aura" that art has and how that "aura" is disappearing more and more in new art. The "aura" was still there in Rembrandt's paintings and it took over your feelings the moment you started looking at the canvas. You were transported in a new dimension, a dimension of color, shades, darkness and light where all the characters are still but talk to you in different languages, where the lines all converge in your life-line, and where the "aura" still exists.
I saw a mummy for the first time and what I found amazing was that it was so easy to not think about the person that was in there when you had no representation of that person. But some o them had their face painted over the wrappings and suddenly it was not so easy to view the mummy as a piece of history; I realized that somehow I was in a graveyard where the bodies were not buried, but displayed for everybody to see.
The arms and armors seemed huge, especially the ones that were used in the 15th or 16th century. Horses and men dresses in steel with huge guns or swords. It seemed that they were able to carry more than their bodyweight and still fight. And the armor seemed so stiff and tight - I guess they didn't suffer from claustrophobia :).
The Age of Rembrandt was the part I liked most. Maybe because I love Rembrandt or maybe because it was so incredible. There were paintings by Rembrandt, but also by his apprentices and by other painters that were inspired by him. It's impossible not to love his portraits and self portraits. I had the feeling that some of them were not even painted, but that he somehow photographed the persons and than he painted over the photographs. Details, that you could barely acknowledge were spread across huge canvas, were drawing you closer to the subject as you could ever be. I remembered something I read for the Media Theory class about the "aura" that art has and how that "aura" is disappearing more and more in new art. The "aura" was still there in Rembrandt's paintings and it took over your feelings the moment you started looking at the canvas. You were transported in a new dimension, a dimension of color, shades, darkness and light where all the characters are still but talk to you in different languages, where the lines all converge in your life-line, and where the "aura" still exists.
Monday, October 15, 2007
the way we protect ourselves from the world outside
Today I forgot my iPod at home. Not that I cannot live without it, but somehow, the long ride on the subway doesn't seem that long when I have it with me. Union Square is just an episode from Friends or Sex and The City away from Elmhurst. But today the ride seemed so much longer. I didn't even have a book with me. Usually I have a book and my iPod so that when I read the book, I can still listen to music. I wonder if the outside world harasses us so much at some point that we have to block it somehow? Why is it that when I come home, even at night, I feel so much better if I listen to music on my iPod? Could it be that this way, I'm not acknowledging the world outside and I just linger in my own "protected" universe?
perfection resides in the little things
Sometimes, you only realize perfection when you look at the details. I saw the cars at Americana Manhasset, they were all beautiful, no doubt about it, but their perfection resided more in the incredible details. That is what makes the difference between just a car and THE car.
Because detailz matter!
Because detailz matter!
Sunt oameni care nu evolueaza nici daca le torni cultura cu palnia in cap
Weekendul acesta am avut primul first encounter cu comunitatea de romani din NY. Mi-ar fi placut sa fi putut spune acum ce oameni minunati suntem cu totii si ce bine ne intelegem chiar si (sau mai ales) peste hotare...
Ne-am dus la o biserica romaneasca din Queens. Am ales-o doar pentru ca era cel mai aproape de noi. Daca as fi stiut cum urma sa fim primiti, n-as mai fi luat in considerare problema distantei. Am intrat intr-o sala mica cu bancutze asa cum sunt in bisericile catolice (desi era ortodoxa) si ne-a intampinat o "doamna" (a se citi baba acra) care in cel mai dulce si vulgar stil romanesc ne-a intrebat: "ce doriti!". Slujba tocmai se terminase, dar noi oricum nu veniseram acolo pentru slujba. Vroiam doar sa ne rugam si sa aprindem cateva lumanari. Doamna ne-a spus ca am venit prea tarziu, ca si cum ne tragea la raspundere ca n-am fost destul de vrednici incat sa venim in timpul slujbei. Ne-a spus ca ei au terminat curatenia si pleaca, deci ar cam fi cazul sa plecam si noi. Sincer vorbind nici nu intelegeam ce se intampla. Mereu am asociat bisericile cu pace si liniste, dar aici femeia asta imi strica toata karma. Pana la urma am stat doar 2 minute pe o bancuta pentru ca cele 2 femei (intre timp mai aparuse una) strigau una la alta in biserica spunandu-si ca trebuie sa inchida pentru ca vine autobuzul. Am zis, ok, bine, plecam, dar am vrea sa aprindem cateva lumanari. Trecand peste faptul ca cele mai mici lumanari costau 1$ (alea care in romania sunt 1000 lei vechi), doamna ne spune ca degeaba la aprindem pentru ca ea le stinge ca pleaca...revenim la obsesia cu autobuzul. La un moment dat cand noi tot incercam sa intelegem de ce femeia asta era atat de acra, a iesit un nene batran din altar care ne-a spus ca putem sa aprindem lumanarile pentru ca mai sta el 10-15 min acolo. Femeia s-a uitat urat de el, ca si cum omul fraternizase cu inamicul.
Am plecat de acolo cu un gust amar. Ma asteptam ca romanii plecati din tara sa nu mai aiba acreala aia de Romania careia ii gaseam o tona de justificari in tara. Ma intrebam cum naiba ajungi sa traiesti in NY, dar sa nu-ti schimbi nimic din mentalitatea de roman ceausist. Nu inteleg, chiar nu reusesc sa inteleg, cat de tare trebuie sa-ti fie pielea sau cat de incuiata sa-ti fie mintea, ca intr-un oras care iti toarna cu palnia in cap cultura, tu sa ramai la fel? Si nici macar sa nu preiei acea politete ipocrita a americanilor. Prefer sa-mi spui zambind: "Imi pare rau ati ajuns prea tarziu azi, slujba s-a terminat, iar noi acum inchidem." decat sa latri la mine ca biserica se inchide pentru ca ele trebuie sa prinda autobuzul.
Ne-am dus la o biserica romaneasca din Queens. Am ales-o doar pentru ca era cel mai aproape de noi. Daca as fi stiut cum urma sa fim primiti, n-as mai fi luat in considerare problema distantei. Am intrat intr-o sala mica cu bancutze asa cum sunt in bisericile catolice (desi era ortodoxa) si ne-a intampinat o "doamna" (a se citi baba acra) care in cel mai dulce si vulgar stil romanesc ne-a intrebat: "ce doriti!". Slujba tocmai se terminase, dar noi oricum nu veniseram acolo pentru slujba. Vroiam doar sa ne rugam si sa aprindem cateva lumanari. Doamna ne-a spus ca am venit prea tarziu, ca si cum ne tragea la raspundere ca n-am fost destul de vrednici incat sa venim in timpul slujbei. Ne-a spus ca ei au terminat curatenia si pleaca, deci ar cam fi cazul sa plecam si noi. Sincer vorbind nici nu intelegeam ce se intampla. Mereu am asociat bisericile cu pace si liniste, dar aici femeia asta imi strica toata karma. Pana la urma am stat doar 2 minute pe o bancuta pentru ca cele 2 femei (intre timp mai aparuse una) strigau una la alta in biserica spunandu-si ca trebuie sa inchida pentru ca vine autobuzul. Am zis, ok, bine, plecam, dar am vrea sa aprindem cateva lumanari. Trecand peste faptul ca cele mai mici lumanari costau 1$ (alea care in romania sunt 1000 lei vechi), doamna ne spune ca degeaba la aprindem pentru ca ea le stinge ca pleaca...revenim la obsesia cu autobuzul. La un moment dat cand noi tot incercam sa intelegem de ce femeia asta era atat de acra, a iesit un nene batran din altar care ne-a spus ca putem sa aprindem lumanarile pentru ca mai sta el 10-15 min acolo. Femeia s-a uitat urat de el, ca si cum omul fraternizase cu inamicul.
Am plecat de acolo cu un gust amar. Ma asteptam ca romanii plecati din tara sa nu mai aiba acreala aia de Romania careia ii gaseam o tona de justificari in tara. Ma intrebam cum naiba ajungi sa traiesti in NY, dar sa nu-ti schimbi nimic din mentalitatea de roman ceausist. Nu inteleg, chiar nu reusesc sa inteleg, cat de tare trebuie sa-ti fie pielea sau cat de incuiata sa-ti fie mintea, ca intr-un oras care iti toarna cu palnia in cap cultura, tu sa ramai la fel? Si nici macar sa nu preiei acea politete ipocrita a americanilor. Prefer sa-mi spui zambind: "Imi pare rau ati ajuns prea tarziu azi, slujba s-a terminat, iar noi acum inchidem." decat sa latri la mine ca biserica se inchide pentru ca ele trebuie sa prinda autobuzul.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Vanderbilt Cup
Just imagine a place where you can see the newest Corvette, but at the same time Rolls Royces from the 1930s, the legendary Duesenberg, a car that looks like a carriage and a lot o people. People that have one thing in common. They just love cars. Old, new, it doesn't matter. What impressed me the most was being so close to such old cars. Some of them are not even made today, some of them are the only survivors of their species. It's interesting to see what car design meant back then and what it means now. Back then the racing cars had the form of a bullet, narrow and long, while nowadays they are wide and very very low. So low that if you would try to fit a tennis ball between the car and the ground, you couldn't.
But let's get back to the design of the cars and let's see how the perception of art changed in the last centuries.
Let's just consider these 2 cars. It may only be my imagination, but I feel that the design of the old cars is supposed to resemble the human face. Ok, we don't have popping eyes, but still the headlights are the eyes, the grid is the nose and the mudguards are the cheeks, you just have to be a bit more imaginative to see that. The old cars are curvy and big, some of them are quite huge, measuring up to 18 feet, although they only have 2 seats.
And here come the new cars:
slick and small, taking advantage of all the aerodynamics principles. They are no longer big and curvy, but lean and small.
Could this have anything to do with the way the human figure has evolved. Back in the 30s or 40s, big, Rubensian figures where considered beautiful, so the designers took the Rubensian beauty into the shape of the cars. But know all that has changes. We look up to skinny models, tall and lean. And maybe the new design of the car is made accordingly to our idea of beauty. Nowadays, for many people Rubens is just a painter who painted fat women, certainly not an inspiration to us. Today we get inspired by the skinny girl in the jeans campaign.
But let's get back to the design of the cars and let's see how the perception of art changed in the last centuries.
Let's just consider these 2 cars. It may only be my imagination, but I feel that the design of the old cars is supposed to resemble the human face. Ok, we don't have popping eyes, but still the headlights are the eyes, the grid is the nose and the mudguards are the cheeks, you just have to be a bit more imaginative to see that. The old cars are curvy and big, some of them are quite huge, measuring up to 18 feet, although they only have 2 seats.
And here come the new cars:
slick and small, taking advantage of all the aerodynamics principles. They are no longer big and curvy, but lean and small.
Could this have anything to do with the way the human figure has evolved. Back in the 30s or 40s, big, Rubensian figures where considered beautiful, so the designers took the Rubensian beauty into the shape of the cars. But know all that has changes. We look up to skinny models, tall and lean. And maybe the new design of the car is made accordingly to our idea of beauty. Nowadays, for many people Rubens is just a painter who painted fat women, certainly not an inspiration to us. Today we get inspired by the skinny girl in the jeans campaign.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
there's art everywhere
In NYC you can find art everywhere you turn you head. Even if it's on a huge trash can at the subway. I don't remember what station it was, but I know it's somewhere in the East Village. Why I like this? Because it's so New York. You take a sheet of paper and some markers and all of the sudden you have a poster that can be hung in a subway station. It doesn't take that much to be an artist, if you really want to be one. In case you see Shells or Scott, tell them I said Hello.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
9/11 - 6 years
It's been 6 years. Six years ago the life of an entire continent changed forever. I remember I was at my parents house in Craiova, Romania watching a soap opera. I usually don't watch soap operas, but that summer me and one of my best friends decided to watch "The Young and the Restless" just to see how stupid and illogical the action could get. At one point the soap opera got interrupted...BREAKING THE NEWS...one of the Twin Towers got hit by an airplane. Everybody thought it was an accident. I went into the other room where my mother was sleeping, I woke her up and I told her: "Mom, an airplane hit one of the WTC buildings in NY !". She replied that it was probably an accident. For exactly 16 minutes the whole world wondered how such an accident could have happened. And then we got the answer. A second plane hit the second tower. It hadn't been an accident. When I went into my mother's room to tell her about the second plane she said: "Oh, God ! The war is coming !". She couldn't have been more right.
I remember the images, people running, screaming, people fighting for their lives. There is a footage which I cannot get out of my mind no matter how hard I try. The footage is with a man the dives out of the window of one of the floors just under where one of the planes hit. Even now, six years after seeing that image, it still send shivers down my spine. I keep wondering what he must have felt, if he knew he was going to die... back then, when I saw the image live, I kept praying that something would break his fall and he wouldn't die. After he fell, I realized that in that very moment his life had ended.
I live in NYC now, and a few weeks ago I went to Ground Zero. All the things I had seen on TV came rushing back to me. All the terror, the deaths, the despair... I had never seen NYC before 9/11, but it somehow felt like I was there when the planes crashed. And then I saw the cross made out of the structure of one of the towers as a tribute to all the people that died there. I stood there wishing that something could have been done for all the innocent people that died there. I didn't know any of them, but still I consider their dying as a big loss for all North America.
Today I wanted to go to Ground Zero at the commemoration, but I was afraid. Not of another attack or anything like that, but of seeing all those people who have lost their loved ones there, of seeing so much grief in one place. I didn't know if i could handle it. I only lost 2 people that were dear to me. I accepted the death of one o them, maybe because he was in his sixties, he had lived a great part of his life and, considering the fact that he was ill, his beautiful part of life had pretty much ended. But the death of one of my dear friends...I don't think I will ever be able to accept it. He was 27 and his only fault was that he got on the wrong bus with the wrong driver. It was raining, the driver was speeding and in a curve, he lost control of the bus and crashed it. My friend died instantly... There are 2 reasons why I will never accept his death:
1. he was young, full of energy, full of life and hope
2. I didn't get a chance to tell him I had been thinking about him. We grew apart after college when everybody is eager to start the adult life, but lately I kept thinking about calling him. I had a phone number that I was planing on trying that very day. But I got a call from his best friend before I ever got a chance to check that number. He asked me if I still remember them. I laughed and replied that I had been thinking about calling Manu (our friend that died) for the past few days, I just didn't get around to doing it. He told me I should have done it sooner, because now, there's no way to do it. I felt as if everything around me had vanished and I was alone in an empty room collapsing on the floor.
Manu was gone. That very instant I started remembering all the memories I had about him and I prayed I would not forget any of them. I kept trying to remember more and more. I felt that if I could remember enough then maybe he wouldn't be dead. I couldn't bring myself to understant it. How could he be dead ? And what is death in the end ? Why did he die ? Was there a reason ? An ultimate goal ? I ask myself those questions about the people who died on 9/11 also.
I was scared of going to Groud Zero today, because I was scared of feeling the way I felt when Manu died.
I remember the images, people running, screaming, people fighting for their lives. There is a footage which I cannot get out of my mind no matter how hard I try. The footage is with a man the dives out of the window of one of the floors just under where one of the planes hit. Even now, six years after seeing that image, it still send shivers down my spine. I keep wondering what he must have felt, if he knew he was going to die... back then, when I saw the image live, I kept praying that something would break his fall and he wouldn't die. After he fell, I realized that in that very moment his life had ended.
I live in NYC now, and a few weeks ago I went to Ground Zero. All the things I had seen on TV came rushing back to me. All the terror, the deaths, the despair... I had never seen NYC before 9/11, but it somehow felt like I was there when the planes crashed. And then I saw the cross made out of the structure of one of the towers as a tribute to all the people that died there. I stood there wishing that something could have been done for all the innocent people that died there. I didn't know any of them, but still I consider their dying as a big loss for all North America.
Today I wanted to go to Ground Zero at the commemoration, but I was afraid. Not of another attack or anything like that, but of seeing all those people who have lost their loved ones there, of seeing so much grief in one place. I didn't know if i could handle it. I only lost 2 people that were dear to me. I accepted the death of one o them, maybe because he was in his sixties, he had lived a great part of his life and, considering the fact that he was ill, his beautiful part of life had pretty much ended. But the death of one of my dear friends...I don't think I will ever be able to accept it. He was 27 and his only fault was that he got on the wrong bus with the wrong driver. It was raining, the driver was speeding and in a curve, he lost control of the bus and crashed it. My friend died instantly... There are 2 reasons why I will never accept his death:
1. he was young, full of energy, full of life and hope
2. I didn't get a chance to tell him I had been thinking about him. We grew apart after college when everybody is eager to start the adult life, but lately I kept thinking about calling him. I had a phone number that I was planing on trying that very day. But I got a call from his best friend before I ever got a chance to check that number. He asked me if I still remember them. I laughed and replied that I had been thinking about calling Manu (our friend that died) for the past few days, I just didn't get around to doing it. He told me I should have done it sooner, because now, there's no way to do it. I felt as if everything around me had vanished and I was alone in an empty room collapsing on the floor.
Manu was gone. That very instant I started remembering all the memories I had about him and I prayed I would not forget any of them. I kept trying to remember more and more. I felt that if I could remember enough then maybe he wouldn't be dead. I couldn't bring myself to understant it. How could he be dead ? And what is death in the end ? Why did he die ? Was there a reason ? An ultimate goal ? I ask myself those questions about the people who died on 9/11 also.
I was scared of going to Groud Zero today, because I was scared of feeling the way I felt when Manu died.
Fashion Week
A few days ago I had the opportunity to go to a fashion show during the NY Fashion Week. Needless to say that the place was crowded with a zillion of photographers, camera men, but also extremely beautiful women. The type of women that any regular person envies, not because they all looked so gorgeous, but because models always have an aura around them when they are on the runway. Of course, it's all in the lighting technique. While the public remains in the shadow, the spotlights shine upon them making everything even more spectacular. The models always entered the runway on the left side and exited on the right side, gracefully gliding in the sea of light as if nothing around them mattered, not the people, not the flashes, not even the huge lens on the photographer's cameras.
New York is in itself an exhibition because anywhere you go, there are people trying to express art in ways maybe you didn't even imagine. Whether it's graffiti on the warehouses or a painting gallery, or maybe just a child that buids sandcastles in Coney Island. When I came to New York, I realized that this is the kind of city where it's worth to have a camera always with you. There is always something to photograph and with the right angle and the right light, you could shoot a piece of art in the heart of the Art City.
First exhibition I saw in New York was Bodies. There was no frame to analyze there, no foreground or background. Just people that were once alive, real people that stood there for us to gaze at the amazement that is the human body. But now, these people didn't have any names, they were just human specimens, no first names or last names, just that. Impressive as it was to see inside a human body, it felt also a bit scary to see how frail we are. An amazing machinery able to adapt to almost anything, but at the same time subject to being destroyed in a second.
First exhibition I saw in New York was Bodies. There was no frame to analyze there, no foreground or background. Just people that were once alive, real people that stood there for us to gaze at the amazement that is the human body. But now, these people didn't have any names, they were just human specimens, no first names or last names, just that. Impressive as it was to see inside a human body, it felt also a bit scary to see how frail we are. An amazing machinery able to adapt to almost anything, but at the same time subject to being destroyed in a second.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
10 things I love about NY
1. Manhattan-ul cu strazile lungi, cladirile inalte, apartamentele cu vedere la Central Park sau la oricare alt parc
2. Central Park - e ca o padure in mijlocul insulei unde se plimba liber veverite si pasari de tot felul, unde oamenii sunt relaxati, alearga, isi iau pranzul pe iarba, unde e wireless free, ca de altfel in toate parcurile din Manhattan (sau aproape toate)
3. Bryant Park - o oaza de verdeata inconjurata de cladiri atat de mari incat iti sucesti gatul ca sa poti vedea cerul, unde exista rafturi cu carti pe care le poti lua si citi in parc - adica un fel de biblioteca free in aer liber
4. Metroul, care te duce unde vrei tu si la ce ora vrei tu (merge non stop) si mai ales, care nu depinde de trafic...doar ca uneori cand ploua rau de tot se inunda :)
5. Grand Central Station - pentru ca este pe atat de impresionanta pe cat pare in poze sau in filme, pentru ca e o inginerie intre trenuri si metrouri acolo, pentru ca desi are o arhitectura veche, totul functioneaza ca nou
6. Madison Avenue duminica, pentru ca se inchide circulatia si e un fel de targ acolo in care poti sa gasesti o tona de lucruri frumoase si ieftine
7. Mirosul de pui prajit care il simti de cate ori treci pe langa vreun restaurantel mic de cartier sau pe langa vreo taraba la care se vand hot dog si frigarui
8. Muffin-urile, pentru ca sunt cele mai bune din lume
9. Brooklyn Bridge, pentru ca este absolut impresionant si pentru ca atunci cand mergi pe el, ca pieton, esti undeva deasupra masinilor
10. Avioanele care trec atat de des si aparent atat de aproape de cladirile inalte si de tine, incat stai ca prostul, te uiti la ele si iti aduci aminte de cantecul pe care il cantai cand erai mic: Avion cu motor, ia-ma si pe mine-n zbor, sa ma fac aviator"
Am ajuns deja la 10 si imi dau seama ca mai sunt si multe alte lucruri pe care le iubesc la NY, dar momentan raman cu astea. Nu sunt puse in ordinea preferintelor, ci in ordinea in care mi-am adus aminte de ele. Ar mai fi fost de trecut pe lista si Time Square noaptea, sau Rockefeller Center, sau metroul de la Woodside, care e la suprafata si care e atat de aproape de La Guardia incat avioanele au trenul de aterizare deja scos cand trec pe deasupra ta, sau librariile imense unde poti sa scoti cartea din raft, sa te asezi jos si sa o citesti, bibliotecile publice, care sunt free, WTC site si atat de multe altele incat nu cred ca am cum sa le enumar pe toate.
2. Central Park - e ca o padure in mijlocul insulei unde se plimba liber veverite si pasari de tot felul, unde oamenii sunt relaxati, alearga, isi iau pranzul pe iarba, unde e wireless free, ca de altfel in toate parcurile din Manhattan (sau aproape toate)
3. Bryant Park - o oaza de verdeata inconjurata de cladiri atat de mari incat iti sucesti gatul ca sa poti vedea cerul, unde exista rafturi cu carti pe care le poti lua si citi in parc - adica un fel de biblioteca free in aer liber
4. Metroul, care te duce unde vrei tu si la ce ora vrei tu (merge non stop) si mai ales, care nu depinde de trafic...doar ca uneori cand ploua rau de tot se inunda :)
5. Grand Central Station - pentru ca este pe atat de impresionanta pe cat pare in poze sau in filme, pentru ca e o inginerie intre trenuri si metrouri acolo, pentru ca desi are o arhitectura veche, totul functioneaza ca nou
6. Madison Avenue duminica, pentru ca se inchide circulatia si e un fel de targ acolo in care poti sa gasesti o tona de lucruri frumoase si ieftine
7. Mirosul de pui prajit care il simti de cate ori treci pe langa vreun restaurantel mic de cartier sau pe langa vreo taraba la care se vand hot dog si frigarui
8. Muffin-urile, pentru ca sunt cele mai bune din lume
9. Brooklyn Bridge, pentru ca este absolut impresionant si pentru ca atunci cand mergi pe el, ca pieton, esti undeva deasupra masinilor
10. Avioanele care trec atat de des si aparent atat de aproape de cladirile inalte si de tine, incat stai ca prostul, te uiti la ele si iti aduci aminte de cantecul pe care il cantai cand erai mic: Avion cu motor, ia-ma si pe mine-n zbor, sa ma fac aviator"
Am ajuns deja la 10 si imi dau seama ca mai sunt si multe alte lucruri pe care le iubesc la NY, dar momentan raman cu astea. Nu sunt puse in ordinea preferintelor, ci in ordinea in care mi-am adus aminte de ele. Ar mai fi fost de trecut pe lista si Time Square noaptea, sau Rockefeller Center, sau metroul de la Woodside, care e la suprafata si care e atat de aproape de La Guardia incat avioanele au trenul de aterizare deja scos cand trec pe deasupra ta, sau librariile imense unde poti sa scoti cartea din raft, sa te asezi jos si sa o citesti, bibliotecile publice, care sunt free, WTC site si atat de multe altele incat nu cred ca am cum sa le enumar pe toate.
Friday, August 3, 2007
de ce e trist cand pleci undeva departe ?
Evident ca sunt si motive pentru care esti trist. Esti trist pentru toate lucrurile pe care le lasi in urma, pentru toti prietenii pe care n-o sa-i mai vezi atat de des, pentru tot ce inseamna viata pe care o lasi in urma. E trist pentru ca e greu sa te rupi de lucrurile dragi, de oamenii dragi si chiar daca stii ca prietenii adevarati iti vor ramane mereu prieteni, tot te doare ca ii lasi aici. E trist cand iti impachetezi viata si iti dai seama ca nu poti lua totul cu tine (desi ai vrea), cand te gandesti ca de acum inainte ii vei vedea pe oamenii de aici doar o data pe an. Si evident e trist pentru ca abia atunci cand pleci iti dai seama cat de mult tii la anumiti oameni si cat de mult tin ei la tine. Ah si mi-am adus aminte cat de dor imi va fi de mesele la libanez cu prietenii...oh, well...
de ce e frumos cand pleci undeva departe ?
Copiind ideea de la un prieten am hotarit sa scriu si eu despre avantajele si dezavantajele unei plecari. Ideea ar fi cam asa: atunci cand pleci undeva departe unde nu te stie aproape nimeni, ai sansa s-o iei de la capat, sa te reinventezi cu totul, sa fii exact asa cum ti-ai dorit mereu sa fii, dar din diverse motive (mediul in care traiesti, prieteni, cunostinte, lipsa de curaj) n-ai fost niciodata. Acolo nu te stie nimeni, asa ca te poti construi pe tine de la zero si de data asta esti destul de matur incat sa stii ca nu mai trebuie sa testezi tot in ceea ce te priveste, stii deja exact cum vrei sa fii si de ce vrei sa fii asa. Si dintr-o data nu mai esti doar tu, asa cum te stie toata lumea, esti tu asa cum vrei sa fii si nimeni nu te judeca pentru ca nimeni nu stie cum erai inainte, nimeni nu e interesat de cine erai inainte si de ce erai asa. Toata lumea e interesata de felul in care esti acum si de toate lucrurile pe care le reprezinti tu acum. Totul e nou, chiar si tu esti nou. Te rupi de tot ce nu ti-a placut pana acum la tine, dar n-ai apucat sa schimbi, te rupi de tot ce nu-ti place in jurul tau, de toate lucrurile neimplinite aici. E minunat cand pleci pentru ca atunci poti fi tu asa cum esti de fapt :).
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Angels in America
Tocmai am terminat de vazut Angels in America (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0318997/), multumesc M pentru recomandare, genial filmul. Sunt 6 parti pe care merita sa la vedeti, le recomand din tot sufletul pentru deznadejdea, optimismul si determinarea umana portretizate. Am avut senzatia ca filmul a fost facut pentru oameni ca mine, care orice s-ar intampla tin cu dintii de fericirea si de viata lor. Absolut superb !
Friday, July 20, 2007
the joy of being unemployed
cand esti in concediu, stii ca trebuie sa profiti de el, trebuie sa mergi undeva, sa faci ceva, sa simti ca a meritat sa lucrezi mai mult inainte si dupa. insa cand pleci cu totul de la un job, in pauza dintre ce a fost si ce urmeaza, nu simti nevoia sa faci nimic. nu ai senzatia ca daca azi n-ai facut X, atunci ai pierdut o zi de concediu, de la serviciu nu te mai suna nimeni, asa cum se intampla de obicei cand erai in concediu, esti liber sa faci ce vrei si cum vrei. Poti sa stai toata ziua in pat sa te uiti la filme sau sa citesti, poti sa faci o baie lunga de relaxare, sa te plimbi prin traficul din bucuresti fara sa te enervezi pentru ca nu trebuie sa ajungi niciunde si chiar daca ar trebui sa ajungi undeva, nu trebuie sa ajungi pana la o anumita ora. Practic toata viata ta se desfasoara intr-un alt ritm, un rimt pe care nu-l impune nimeni, nici macar tu.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
de ce iubesc Bucurestiul noaptea ?
Iubesc Bucurestiul pentru noptile racoroase de vara in care te poti plimba de nebun prin parcuri, noptile pe care iti doresti sa le pierzi aiurea pe la terase, cand ai impresia ca nici ziua si nici noaptea nu sunt destul de lungi pentru reveriile tale. Iubesc Bucurestiul noaptea pentru ca nu imi ia 1 ora sa merg cu masina de acasa pana in centru, pentru ca pot zice oricand: "ne vedem in 20 de minute" si chiar sa ajung undeva in acele 20 de minute, pentru ca totul e viu si pentru ca toata lumea pare a fi in vacanta, pentru frappe-ul sau limonada bauta in miez de noapte la cafenea la Dragos. E ca si cum nimanui nu-i mai pasa ca a doua zi trebuie sa fie la lucru la ora 9 dimineata sau ca trebuia sa pregateasca nu stiu ce prezentare. In noptile de vara Bucurestiul pare sa traiasca mai presus de toate grijile si de tot stresul zilnic. Iubesc sa conduc noaptea cu geamul intredeschis si cu radioul pornit pentru ca noaptea sunt intotdeauna melodii vechi la radio, care ma aduc in alte timpuri si care ma apropie mai mult de mine.
Iubesc Bucurestiul noaptea pentru toate acele lucruri pentru care il urasc ziua.
Iubesc Bucurestiul noaptea pentru toate acele lucruri pentru care il urasc ziua.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
thank God there is a God
Probabil ca asta a fost chiar prima data cand am resimtit foarte puternic acest lucru. am avut multe momente in viata in care i-am multumit lui Dumnezeu ca exista, dar in acest moment cred ca am resimtit cea mai mare incarcatura emotionala. Aseara cand ma intorceam de la concert, bucuroasa ca am avut ocazia sa-i vad pe Rolling Stones live in incarcata de energia pozitiva insuflata de concert am fost la un pas de a fi spulberata de o masina care a trecut pe rosu. Eram la pod la Grozavesti, veneam dinspre gara si aveam verde, din fericire insa aveam doar vreo 40 km la ora pentru ca un tip considerand ca lumina rosie a semaforului nu e si pentru el, s-a hotarit sa o ignore. Nu stiu cum am reusit sa franez si nu stiu cum am reusit sa reactionez atat de repede, dar sunt singura ca am avut si ajutor de undeva de sus. Dupa o frana zdruncinatoare cu ABS, avarii si toate tampeniile care se mai aprind atunci cand franezi atat de brusc, am reusit sa opresc la cred ca 2cm de el. Faza tare e ca atunci cand m-am dat jos din masina, nu stiam sigur daca l-am lovit sau nu. Masina oricum a fost zdruncinata de frana, iar eu eram atat de aproape de el, incat abia dupa ce m-am dat jos, am realizat ca din fericire nu ne-am lovit. Tembelul nici nu s-a dat jos din masina. Eu am inceput sa-l injur si am dat cu piciorul in masina lui (nu stiu daca am reusit sa o indoi, dar macar m-am descarcat), iar el mi-a zis ceva de genul: "Misca-te de aici mai repede!". evindent ca nu m-am miscat atat de repede, iar el era atat de aproape de mine incat daca eu nu dadeam cu spatele, putea pleca numai cu riscul de a-si zgaria masina, lucru care pe mine nu ma deranja catusu de putin pentru ca la mine zgaria doar numarul. tot din fericire, tipul care era in spatele meu a sesizat la timp problema si a franat si el. dupa ce mi-am descarcat nervii pe soferul idiot cu rosul lui cu tot am plecat spre casa. numai ca dupa ce am mers vreo 100 de metri, am inceput sa plang. ma gandeam la Manu care a murit in accident de masina, fara sa fi facut ceva gresit si imi veneau in cap reportajele despre Teo Peter si Cristi Nemescu. Toti au murit pentru ca niste oameni lipsiti de judecata au considerat ca lor nu li se aplica regulile. Am plans tot drumul spre casa, de abia asteptam sa ajung, si la fiecare semafor fie ca era verde sau rosu, ma uitam dupa neburi carora trebuia sa le cedez prioritatea. Ii multumeam lui Dumnezeu ca nu am patit nimic, ca sunt ok si eu si masina, ca totul este asa cum stiam eu ca ar trebui sa fie. Abia dupa ce am ajuns acasa si am vorbit cu Robert am reusit sa ma calmez. Aproape ca nici nu ma mai puteam bucura de concert. Cand am plecat de acolo ma gandeam ca ajung acasa si ii povestesc o gramada de lucruri de acolo, dar n-am mai putut povesti nimic. Mi-a luat vreo ora ca sa reusesc sa ma gandesc si la altceva in afara de acel sofer nebun. Evident ca imi treceau prin minte diverse scene despre ce s-ar fi intamplat daca ma lovea si tot felul de lucruri pe care le genereaza mintea in astfel de momente.
so thank God there is a God and thank god there is You :).
so thank God there is a God and thank god there is You :).
live from the legends
pentru prima data nu stiu exact cum sa incep acest post. daca spun ca Rolling Stones au fost geniali, mi se pare ca spun prea putin. sincer vorbind, I felt lucky to be alive ieri seara din 2 motive, iar unul dintre acele motive a fost concertul Rolling Stones. dupa ce cateva luni n-am facut altceva decat spoturi si promo-uri de tot felul, am ajuns si pe stadion. evident cu ceva timp inainte de a incepe concertul pentru a reusi sa stau in fata de tot. si chiar am prins locurile bune la mijlocul scenei, usor in dreapta. mi-e absolut imposibil sa descriu concertul si atmosfera de pe stadion, dar cu siguranta pot spune ca a fost cel mai tare concert la care am mers eu vreodata. mie personal mi-a lipsit un singur lucru, care nu avea nici o legatura cu Rolling Stones sau cu organizarea. dar am rezolvat cat de cat si asta pentru ca in punctul culminant al concertului, adica la "Satisfation" am intrat in direct cu Washingtonul. concertul devenise deja mai mult decat imi puteam imagina. ok, ma asteptam la niste chestii fantastice pentru ca pana la urma era totusi vorba de Rolling Stones, dar in nici un caz nu ma asteptam la ceea ce am vazut. ma gandeam ca Mick Jagger, desi e cu vreo 10 ani mai batran decat parintii mei, alerga ca un nebun pe scena, dansa ca un stripper. despre Keith Richards, un geniul la randul lui, nu pot spune decat un singur lucru (recunosc nu sunt vorbele mele, mi-au fost spuse de un coleg de la McCann la terminarea concertului): "Asta a luat in seara asta mai multe droguri decat voi lua eu in toata viata.". Probabil ca fara ele, niciunul dintre ei n-ar fi putut sa sustina un concert de asemenea amploare. sincer vorbind, pe mine m-a impresionat si faptul ca Mick Jagger s-a chinuit sa vorbeasca in romana. Nu ma intereseaza daca avea textul scris in palma sau daca il citea pe promter, chiar nu conteaza, dar s-a chinuit sa spuna alea 10 fraze in romana. mi s-a parut un respect extraordinar pentru public. asa cum de fapt a fost si faza cu platforma mobila. desi eu eram in fata de tot, asa ca acest lucru nu m-a avantajat deloc, cred ca a fost un gest minunat ca melodia cea mai tare a lor (Satisfaction) a fost cantata din mijlocul stadionului. practic in acel moment ei chiar erau in mijlocul a 60 000 de oameni. a fost o chestie super tare pentru cei din partea din spate a gazonului, care nu ii vedeau bine decat pe ecranul imens.
Oricum concertul a fost "something to tell your kids about".
Oricum concertul a fost "something to tell your kids about".
Monday, July 16, 2007
somebody's looking for me
adicatelea s-a postat anunt pentru jobul meu (http://www.myjob.ro/anunturi/140501/producator.html). M-am simtit importanta cand am citit cate lucruri trebuie sa faca cel care ma va inlocui. adica, evident, si eu faceam toate lucrurile alea in agetie, dar parca nu-mi pareau nici asa de multe si nici asa de complicate cum mi-au parut cand le-am citit pe site. mi-am adus aminte de momentul cand mi s-a spus ca trebuie sa-mi fac fisa postului si un cv mai complicat pentru nu mai stiu ce pitch. trebuia sa fim trecuti acolo toti cei care vom lucra pe clientul respectiv. nu mai tin minte daca am castigat pitchul (pentru ca nu reusesc sa-mi aduc aminte pentru ce client era), dar tin minte ca mi-a luat ceva timp sa scriu tot ce fac eu in acolo si ca la sfarsit mi s-a parut ca am scris cam mult.
mi-am amintit ca la vechiul loc de munca, atunci cand am anuntat ca plec, pe langa faptul ca seful meu a incercat sa-mi faca viata amara, a trebuit sa pun eu anuntul pentru job si apoi sa si intervievez persoanele care au venit la interviu. a fost kind of fun pentru ca toata lumea credea ca eu sunt un fel de HR acolo si apoi le explicam ca de fapt imi caut inlocuitor.
oare sa aplic la jobul postat pe site ? in fond, ei chiar ma cauta pe mine...
mi-am amintit ca la vechiul loc de munca, atunci cand am anuntat ca plec, pe langa faptul ca seful meu a incercat sa-mi faca viata amara, a trebuit sa pun eu anuntul pentru job si apoi sa si intervievez persoanele care au venit la interviu. a fost kind of fun pentru ca toata lumea credea ca eu sunt un fel de HR acolo si apoi le explicam ca de fapt imi caut inlocuitor.
oare sa aplic la jobul postat pe site ? in fond, ei chiar ma cauta pe mine...
i'm on a break
fiind prima zi lucratoare in care eu nu lucrez, evident ca trebuie sa lenevesc :). nu ca n-as fi facut asta tot weekendul, dar weekendul e weekend, e altceva. in weekend am stat si m-am uitat la filme, la unele noi dar si unele pe care le-am mai vazut si care m-au impresionat foarte mult. parca vad ca azi declar zi de leneveala si apoi incep sa fac o tona de lucruri pentru ca, evident, trebuie sa am activitate. e ca si atunci cand iti iei concediu, dar in primele 2 zile nu te bucuri de el pentru ca esti prea stresat sa te bucuri si iti spui mereu ca tre sa faci nu stiu ce pentru ca esti in concediu si trebuie sa profiti de asta. ei bine, haideti sa va zic ceva, in concediu nu trebuie sa faci nimic, de aceea se si numeste concediu, ca sa nu faci nimic. mai am 3 saptamani pana cand imi incepe noua viata pe care o prevad a fi destul de grea, mai ales la inceput, asa ca in aceste 3 saptamani nu trebuie sa fac nimic din ceea ce nu vreau sa fac. de abia astept. revin cu detalii...
Thursday, July 12, 2007
ce iei si ce lasi in urma cand pleci...
azi sunt usor trista si melancolica pentru ca maine voi pleca pentru ultima data din acest birou din care scriu acum, voi fi pentru ultima oara Lavinia, producatorul de la McCann sau Piticu' sau Tzurtzurel sau Vanilia... Las in urma multi oameni care au ajuns sa-mi fie dragi, las mai mult de 2 ani din viata mea aici, in aceasta cladire veche si usor neingrijita, las strigate de bucurie si plansete, proiecte reusite si proiecte ratate...las tot ce a insemnat pentru mine McCann. Sincer vorbind nu ma asteptam sa-mi fie atat de greu, ma gandeam ca o sa ma bucur sa plec, nu m-am gandit niciodata cat de mult o sa-mi lipseasca discutiile cu ET si toate glumele si mishto-urile care se creeasera in departament. Da, clar vor ramane mailurile, dar e altceva, e ca si cum ai incerca sa ai o relatie la distanta... O sa-mi lipseasca fetele de pe VDF care ma torturau la fiecare proiect si la fiecare proiect ne suparam si ne impacam, discutiile in miez de noapte despre orice, stresul sa fie betele la statii la timp, tipetele si apoi multumirile...toate astea s-au terminat for good.
Suna aiurea si tocmai a intrat cineva in birou si mi-a spus ca ar trebui sa-mi asum alegerile pe care le fac, dar chiar nu cred ca e vorba de asta. Mi-am asumat faptul ca plec si cred ca decizia de a pleca este una corecta, dar asta nu inseamna ca nu-mi pare rau pentru ce las in urma. Nu inseamna nicidecum ca as vrea sa raman, doar ca un sentiment de parere de rau va ramane. Sunt prea multi oameni care imi sunt dragi aici ca sa nu fiu trista ca plec.
Suna aiurea si tocmai a intrat cineva in birou si mi-a spus ca ar trebui sa-mi asum alegerile pe care le fac, dar chiar nu cred ca e vorba de asta. Mi-am asumat faptul ca plec si cred ca decizia de a pleca este una corecta, dar asta nu inseamna ca nu-mi pare rau pentru ce las in urma. Nu inseamna nicidecum ca as vrea sa raman, doar ca un sentiment de parere de rau va ramane. Sunt prea multi oameni care imi sunt dragi aici ca sa nu fiu trista ca plec.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
despre educatie si rautate
aseara am ajuns eu super devreme si super linistita acasa, m-am rasfatzat cu inghetata si apoi am coborit din bloc pentru ca urma sa ma vad cu o prietena. dar surpriza, cineva foarte binevoitor si incapabil de a realiza o parcare laterala, mi-a lasat cadou pe aripa stanga fata o zgarietura generoasa. evident, nu s-a obosit sa lase nici macar un bilet cu un numar de telefon in geam, doar a plecat lasandu-si opera in urma. nu-mi venea sa cred, chiar nu aveam nevoie de asta acum, de fapt nu cred ca aveam nevoie de asta vreodata, dar cu atat mai putin acum. totusi nu inteleg ce determina un om sa loveasca o alta masina, deci practic sa invadeze si sa distruga o proprietate si apoi sa fuga, de ce naiba nu poate pur si simplu sa recunoasca. ma gandeam ca daca nu aveam casco era chiar aiurea si, chiar daca nu era vina mea, trebuia sa dau o gramada de bani ca sa-mi repar masina...
in drum spre intalnirea cu prietena mea, aveam tendinta sa opresc masina pe dreapta si sa ma mai uit o data, ca tot ma gandeam ca poate mi s-a parut, dar dupa aceea imi aduceam aminte ca am si pus mana pe zgarietura si am remarcat ca acel binevoitor avea o masina inchisa la culoare. mai straniu decat atat este ca atunci cand am parcat masina in locul minunat, mi-a alunecat mana pe volan si mi-a traznit prin cap ideea sa nu parchez acolo. dar cum nu mai era nici un alt loc liber, n-am dat atentie acestei idei. acum imi dau seama ca ar fi trebuit. cand m-am intors acasa, desi era deja vreo 12 noaptea, m-am uitat la toate masinile de culoare inchisa care erau parcate pe strada, dar niciuna nu era faptasa. nu stiu ce as fi facut daca gaseam acea masina. in fond n-ar fi fost fair sa pedepsesc masina, ci posesorul...
oricum am stat azi si m-am gandit toata ziua la lucrurile care ne determina sa ne inraim atat de mult. mi-am adus aminte ca atunci cand ne-am intors de la munte colega mea a facut un lucru care m-a socat. mergeam pe DN 1 pe serpentine si la un moment dat un viteaz s-a bagat in depasire. evident venea cineva din fata si a incercat sa se bage la loc pe banda in fata noastra. colega mea, dintr-un motiv pe care nu-l voi intelege niciodata, a accelerat astfel incat sa nu-l lase sa intre pe banda. eu nu-i vedeam decat pe cei 2 (viteazul si cel care venea de pe contrasens) lovindu-se frontal, iar ea nu a vrut sa-l lase sa intre pe banda. si eu uras vitejii si uras cand se baga lumea in fata mea total aiurea sau la intimidare, dar n-as putea sa risc viata unui om doar pentru a-i demonstra ca a gresit. prefer ca acel om sa-si invete altfel lectia, nu pentru ca dintr-o data eu am inceput sa hotarasc ce e bine si ce e rau. chestia asta mi-a parut o rautate nejustificata si, sincer vorbind, pana la bucuresti numai la asta m-am gandit. uneori nu-mi vine sa cred cat de rai pot fi oamenii, mai ales in lucruri care nici macar nu-i afecteaza in mod direct. daca cel care mi-a zgariat masina mi se pare ca da dovada de rautate, dar si de lipsa de educatie, la ea chiar mi s-a parut rautate pura. si nici pana acum n-am inteles motivul...
in drum spre intalnirea cu prietena mea, aveam tendinta sa opresc masina pe dreapta si sa ma mai uit o data, ca tot ma gandeam ca poate mi s-a parut, dar dupa aceea imi aduceam aminte ca am si pus mana pe zgarietura si am remarcat ca acel binevoitor avea o masina inchisa la culoare. mai straniu decat atat este ca atunci cand am parcat masina in locul minunat, mi-a alunecat mana pe volan si mi-a traznit prin cap ideea sa nu parchez acolo. dar cum nu mai era nici un alt loc liber, n-am dat atentie acestei idei. acum imi dau seama ca ar fi trebuit. cand m-am intors acasa, desi era deja vreo 12 noaptea, m-am uitat la toate masinile de culoare inchisa care erau parcate pe strada, dar niciuna nu era faptasa. nu stiu ce as fi facut daca gaseam acea masina. in fond n-ar fi fost fair sa pedepsesc masina, ci posesorul...
oricum am stat azi si m-am gandit toata ziua la lucrurile care ne determina sa ne inraim atat de mult. mi-am adus aminte ca atunci cand ne-am intors de la munte colega mea a facut un lucru care m-a socat. mergeam pe DN 1 pe serpentine si la un moment dat un viteaz s-a bagat in depasire. evident venea cineva din fata si a incercat sa se bage la loc pe banda in fata noastra. colega mea, dintr-un motiv pe care nu-l voi intelege niciodata, a accelerat astfel incat sa nu-l lase sa intre pe banda. eu nu-i vedeam decat pe cei 2 (viteazul si cel care venea de pe contrasens) lovindu-se frontal, iar ea nu a vrut sa-l lase sa intre pe banda. si eu uras vitejii si uras cand se baga lumea in fata mea total aiurea sau la intimidare, dar n-as putea sa risc viata unui om doar pentru a-i demonstra ca a gresit. prefer ca acel om sa-si invete altfel lectia, nu pentru ca dintr-o data eu am inceput sa hotarasc ce e bine si ce e rau. chestia asta mi-a parut o rautate nejustificata si, sincer vorbind, pana la bucuresti numai la asta m-am gandit. uneori nu-mi vine sa cred cat de rai pot fi oamenii, mai ales in lucruri care nici macar nu-i afecteaza in mod direct. daca cel care mi-a zgariat masina mi se pare ca da dovada de rautate, dar si de lipsa de educatie, la ea chiar mi s-a parut rautate pura. si nici pana acum n-am inteles motivul...
Monday, July 9, 2007
cum arata un optimist aflat intr-o pasa depresiva
azi a fost o zi cu un potential aparent bun. a inceput cu o trezire la 5.30 si apoi cu un drum relativ aglomerat dinspre moeciu spre bucuresti. frig afara, cald in masina, un soare orbitor si tot asa...si eu si ilinca eram bine-dispuse, chiar daca ne trezisem devreme. la intrare in bucuresti a inceput sa se strice ziua: trafic nasol, oameni care se injurau...parca intrasem in alta lume. ziua insa nu apucase sa se strice, abia pe la vreo 3-4 au inceput vestile aiurea. m-a sunat o prietena sa-mi spuna ca nu-i e bine deloc, ca iubitul, care nici ea nu mai stie daca ii e iubit, are tot felul de toate si fasoane. evident ca aveam tendinta de a-i zice: fuck him, nu merita !, dar i-am zis asta la un moment dat si mi-a spus cu seninatate ca stie asta. iar din acel moment am hotarit ca nu e locul meu sa judec relatia ei si ca cel mai bun lucru pe care il pot face este sa o sustin. si asta am facut si azi, dar parca de fiecare data cand aud ca lucrurile nu merg bine, se rupe inca putin din mine si se mai rupe inca putin in momentul in care vreau sa-i zic din nou ca nu merita, dar imi dau seama ca nu e locul meu sa spun asta si ca, mai mult decat atat, nu ajuta pe nimeni sa spun asta. asa ca tot ce am facut a fost sa ascult si iar sa ascult apoi sa incerc sa ridic si sa sustin. nu stiu daca am reusit, dar stiu ca s-a mai rupt ceva din mine cand am primit acest telefon trist.
ziua a continuat cu doi prieteni dragi, unii dintre cei mai dragi pe care ii am, care s-au despartit. am ramas socata. imi imaginam ca vor ramane impreuna forever, ca se vor casatori si vor avea copii, in viziunea mea erau unul pentru celalalt...dar iata ca in realitate nu era asa. si s-a mai rupt o parte din mine...aveam tendinta sa intreb de ce ? ce s-a intamplat ? dar sigur nu se poate rezolva ? de fapt nu aveam doar tendinta, chiar am intrebat, dar evident ca n-am primit nici un raspuns care sa ma satisfaca. as fi vrut sa-mi spuna ca e doar o chestie de moment, ca se rezolva...
iar a treia chestie, care chiar a pus capac, a fost momentul in care mi-am dat seama ca asta e ultima mea saptamana la mccann. au trecut 2 ani si ceva de cand am venit la interviu, de cand m-am asezat prima daca la biroul meu si am primit adresa de mail de mccann. eram asa de mandra de ea, eram ca un copil... acum imi dau seama ca sunt oameni de care imi va fi un dor nemarginit si daca ma gandesc ca plec, deja mi se face dor de ei. sunt oameni care mi-au sustinut ascensiunea in mccann si fara de care chiar cred ca nu as fi reusit, oameni care au crezut in mine...am tot felul de senzatii de genul...oare voi mai gasi asemenea oameni in NY, oare o sa pot pastra legatura cu cei de aici. mi-e drag de ei si daca as putea, pe o parte din ei, as vrea sa-i iau cu mine, sa-i iau fizic, nu doar in sufletul meu. am senzatia ca las o mare parte din mine aici, in colegii si prietenii pe care mi i-am facut in aceasta uzina in care parem cu totii niste furnici. ma intrebam la un moment dat azi, daca ai cum sa-i multumesti unui om ca ti-a schimbat viata si ca prin felul lui aparte de a fi, te-a facut sa fii mai bun si sa vrei mai mult. cum poti sa te duci la un om si sa-i spui: "iti multumesc pentru ca viata mea este mai buna acum" ?
imi doresc din tot sufletul ca cei pe care i-am avut si care m-au avut aproape de suflet, sa ma pastreze in continuare acolo, sa ramanem mereu o raza de lumina unul in sufletul celuilalt, imi doresc ca jonathan livingston sa aiba dreptate.
ziua a continuat cu doi prieteni dragi, unii dintre cei mai dragi pe care ii am, care s-au despartit. am ramas socata. imi imaginam ca vor ramane impreuna forever, ca se vor casatori si vor avea copii, in viziunea mea erau unul pentru celalalt...dar iata ca in realitate nu era asa. si s-a mai rupt o parte din mine...aveam tendinta sa intreb de ce ? ce s-a intamplat ? dar sigur nu se poate rezolva ? de fapt nu aveam doar tendinta, chiar am intrebat, dar evident ca n-am primit nici un raspuns care sa ma satisfaca. as fi vrut sa-mi spuna ca e doar o chestie de moment, ca se rezolva...
iar a treia chestie, care chiar a pus capac, a fost momentul in care mi-am dat seama ca asta e ultima mea saptamana la mccann. au trecut 2 ani si ceva de cand am venit la interviu, de cand m-am asezat prima daca la biroul meu si am primit adresa de mail de mccann. eram asa de mandra de ea, eram ca un copil... acum imi dau seama ca sunt oameni de care imi va fi un dor nemarginit si daca ma gandesc ca plec, deja mi se face dor de ei. sunt oameni care mi-au sustinut ascensiunea in mccann si fara de care chiar cred ca nu as fi reusit, oameni care au crezut in mine...am tot felul de senzatii de genul...oare voi mai gasi asemenea oameni in NY, oare o sa pot pastra legatura cu cei de aici. mi-e drag de ei si daca as putea, pe o parte din ei, as vrea sa-i iau cu mine, sa-i iau fizic, nu doar in sufletul meu. am senzatia ca las o mare parte din mine aici, in colegii si prietenii pe care mi i-am facut in aceasta uzina in care parem cu totii niste furnici. ma intrebam la un moment dat azi, daca ai cum sa-i multumesti unui om ca ti-a schimbat viata si ca prin felul lui aparte de a fi, te-a facut sa fii mai bun si sa vrei mai mult. cum poti sa te duci la un om si sa-i spui: "iti multumesc pentru ca viata mea este mai buna acum" ?
imi doresc din tot sufletul ca cei pe care i-am avut si care m-au avut aproape de suflet, sa ma pastreze in continuare acolo, sa ramanem mereu o raza de lumina unul in sufletul celuilalt, imi doresc ca jonathan livingston sa aiba dreptate.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
confessions of a dangerously optimistic mind
aseara la un moment dat inainte sa adorm ma gandeam la ceva ce mi-a spus o prietena. mi-a spus ca eu vad lucrurile altfel pentru ca sunt o optimista convinsa. in prima faza am crezut ca asta e ceva de bine, dar, de fapt ea imi spunea ca fiind atat de optimista nu vad lucrurile asa cum sunt ele in realitate. sincer vorbind, m-am cam intristat, pentru ca vreau sa cred ca am un optimism realist, nu unul ireal si mai mult decat atat vreau sa cred ca asta e cea mai buna cale in viata. dar ma intreb unde se termina optimismul realist si unde incepe aiureala totala ? in mintea mea plina de superstitii, cred ca daca iti propui sa te gandesti optimist legat de un lucru sau de o persoana, atunci lucrurile chiar vor merge bine. ce inseamna asta in viziunea celor din jur ? ei bine sunt 2 variante: ori ca sunt complet aeriana si fara nici o urma de contact cu realitate, ori ca de fapt eu trec foarte usor peste orice lucru si sa nimic nu ma afecteaza si nu ma macina (asta chiar mi s-a spus, din nou, de curand), de parca daca nu ma plang si daca nu intru in depresie de cate ori se intampla ceva rau, inseamna ca nu-mi pasa deloc.
sincer vorbind prefer sa raman o optimista convisa, chiar daca prin asta pot parea uneori superficiala, macar asa sper intotdeauna spre mai bine si cred mereu in visele mele.
sincer vorbind prefer sa raman o optimista convisa, chiar daca prin asta pot parea uneori superficiala, macar asa sper intotdeauna spre mai bine si cred mereu in visele mele.
tehnologia care ne da peste cap
nu stiu cum, dar am reusit sa fac sa nu mai mearga ical de nici un fel. am cautat prin toate helpurile lui apple si se pare ca sunt prima persoana cu aceasta problema :(. am sunat un prieten care mi-a spus eternul "DA-I UN RESTART !" care ma scoate din minti de fiecare data cand il aud. e ca si cum asta e solutia pentru tot. nu zic ca nu e o solutie, in multe dintre cazuri, dar parca e raspunsul pe care il primesc mereu cand am o problema cu computerul. anyway, n-am reusit sa-l fac sa mearga. norocul meu este ca aveam totul salvat si in calendarul de la google ca altfel parca vad ca ma trezeam la 3 zile dupa ziua vreunui prieten cu cadoul neluat si cu la multi ani -ul nespus. e ciudat, pana acum cativa ani tineam minte absolut toate zilele de nastere posibile...chiar si pe alea pe care nu vroiam sa le tin minte, iar acum imi pun tot felul de remindere ca sa nu uit de cei de langa mine. o fi un semn de batranete ? sau poate doar abia acum am invatat ce merita sa tin minte si pentru ce merita sa folosesc tehnologia in locul memoriei mele.
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